redirect Cognixion’s brain-monitoring headset enables fluid communication for people with severe disabilit… technoveille August 26, 2021 Link
redirect AAC Translation Lab | College of Education and Human Sciences technoveille August 09, 2021 Link
redirect Brain speech signals decoded into written text in breakthrough research for people with paralysis |… technoveille October 15, 2020 Link
redirect Neuroscientists decode brain speech signals into written text | Science | The Guardian technoveille August 04, 2020 Link
redirect The business of brain–computer interfaces | Nature Biotechnology technoveille June 03, 2020 Link
redirect Make 100: create your own Brain Computer Interface by Ivo de la Rive Box — Kickstarter technoveille June 02, 2020 Link
redirect Noninvasive system lets people 'mind control' robot arm - Futurity - [… technoveille June 28, 2019 Link
redirect EASTIN - Intendix - G-tec Guger technologies OG - Systèmes de contrôle de l'environnement (24.13.… technoveille May 17, 2019 Link
redirect Brain-Computer Interface Allows Users to Compose Music With Only Their Thoughts - Seeker technoveille April 12, 2018 Link